Wednesday, January 06, 2010

"Tell me when you're ready at last to begin."

Oy with the poodles already.
As many of you have likely deduced, the procedure on Monday went well, so well that less than an hour after emerging from anesthesia I was feasting on a Burgermaster grass-fed cheeseburger and a caramel chocolate shake. Virginia Mason's customer service and ability to make a patient feel comfortable and relaxed deserves applause here, especially after my experiences at Tulane, when I felt as though they were wheeling me into the morgue for my laparoscopy. And the diagnosis of No Crohn's! was positive as well.
However, now I must step back into the spiral of guesswork, of wondering what it is I might have. And quite frankly, I think it's time to stop for a bit. Endometriosis seems consistent with my symptoms. I'm learning how to handle it and how to manage the pain. I'm convinced that anything else--including fatigue--can be handled through diet and exercise. Plus, $25 co-pays can be put to much better use, including inserts for high heels, a few rounds at Collins, or a pair of Villa sweats.
Tonight it's experiments in Indian food. And making dough. And softening chickpeas. And prepping for whole-grain waffles. And a bubble bath, please a bubble bath. With Koningshoeven Quad.
Recipes should start coming soon, now that the medical stuff is over for a bit.

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